How to get rid of ants in your home

How to get rid of ants in your home

If you wake up one morning and find your kitchen infested with ants then you need to act fast before they make their home in your house. In case you don't like sprays, here is an alternative!

Things You'll Need:




Take a cucumber and peel it.


Take the peels and put them in the ant's way. Usually they make a trail so make sure you put as much peels on their way as you can.


If you see them making a home, put a cucumber peel nearby. Also add one where they are originally coming from. With patience, they will leave. May take a day or two but it works!

Tips & Warnings

Make the peels as thin as possible.

How to Get Rid of a Yeast Infection- NATURALLY

How to Get Rid of a Yeast Infection- NATURALLY

Over time, using vaginal yeast creams continuously, will begin to lose efficacy because the body creates stronger, more resistant bacteria.

This quick and easy method of getting rid of vaginal yeast infections is totally safe and natural, and it works every time!

Things You'll Need:

Summer's Eve (or any) douch bottle

tea tree oil




Buy a douche and empty it. Rinse it out with water.


Fill douch bottle with fresh, clean water.


Put ONLY THREE drops of each alcohol and tea tree oil into bottle.


Put the top on the douche. Shake well and use.

Tips & Warnings

You can do this twice a day, everday until the yeast disappears.

Using more tea tree oil than recommended here may cause you to feel an intense heat-like feeling in your vagina. It won't harm you, but it will make you feel uncomfortable.

How to get rid of a wart

How to get rid of a wart

Warts can be a bother to conceal and cause emotional and mental stress. Here are some simple techniques for getting rid of these pesky fungi.

Things You'll Need:

duct tape

nail polish


razor blade


There are a variety of ways to rid yourself of warts. You can visit a dermatologist and have him/her burn or freeze them off. The problem with this method is that it can be painful and expensive.


A cheaper and virtually painfree alternative would be to apply a strip of duct tape over the entire wart. Cover the area with a fleshtoned band-aid. Replace the duct tape every day, or as needed. You should notice your wart shrinking within a day or so. It will likely take up to two weeks for it to disappear.


A quicker method is to paint the entire wart and surrounding area with clear nail polish. Re-apply the polish twice a day or as needed. The fungi will essentially suffocate, as they cannot survive without oxygen.


A final suggestion, but not for the weak of stomach, is to soften the affected area by soaking in warm salt water. Then drying the area and gently using a rasor blade to cut off the top layer of the wart. You should continue this process until the offending fungi is gone. Use extreme caution when trying this technique. Razor blades are very sharp and should be sterilized before touching and after touching your skin.

Tips & Warnings

Wash your hands well with antibacterial soap before and after using any of these methods. The wart fungus can spread very rapidly, especially if the wart is compromised with a razor blade.

Always use clean instruments.

Consult a doctor before trying any of these methods on sensative areas that are affected by warts.

How to Get Rid of A Tension Headache Using Acupressure

How to Get Rid of A Tension Headache Using Acupressure

Just by using applying pressure to 2 points on your body you can greatly relieve or entirely get rid of a tension headache.

Things You'll Need:

Your hands


Make a V shape with your thumb and forefinger on your left hand. With your right hand, apply pressure on the inside of the V just below the first knuckle of your forefinger. You'll know you've hit the spot when it hurts.


Hold pressure on the the spot for 15 seconds.


Now, move to your head and with your both of your thumbs, find the indentations at your temples, just above and to the right of your eyebrows. Apply strong pressure to these points for 15 seconds.


If you feel relief, great. If you don't, repeat the both steps.

Tips & Warnings

If this doesn't work try your usual methods for relieving a headache or call your doctor if your concerned.

How to Get Rid of a Painful Headache

How to Get Rid of a Painful Headache

Some people get extreme headaches, migraine headaches, others get light headaches. However, headaches often have minor causes, such as tension. Relief of a headache can come quite easily, without having to take any aspirin or other medication. Common herbs and natural home remedies not only bring relief, but also may reduce the annoying painful headache.

Things You'll Need:

Chamomile Tea, or White Willow Bark Tea.

Chewable Vitamin C



Pain Releiving Cream



Make yourself the Chamomile Tea, or the White Willow Bark Tea, as you would make any kind of regular tea.


After the tea is ready, drink it with one Chewable Vitamin C.
If you haven't eating anything for a while, be sure you take at lease one cracker or some non fat yogurt, just to make sure you have at lease something inside your stomach.


Press your two index fingers where you feel the headache pain, one finger on each side of your head, this is called acupressure. Close your eyes and concentrate on the painful headache, as if you were shivering from when you're cold. Concentrating the headache easing away from your head.


Apply some Pain Relieving Cream onto where you feel the pain, lay down for a while and meditate, thinking only on you feeling much, much better. You need to really, really believe this will help ease the headache away from you.

Tips & Warnings

If you don't have any vitamin C, you can drink some orange juice, orange fruit, cherries, or anything that has got vitamin C in it.

Make sure you have at lease one cracker, or some non fat yogurt. if you didn't eat any thing for a while, before you drink the tea with the vitamin c first.

If you ate something already before, you need not to worry about taking the cracker nor the yogurt first at all.

If you want to eat the yogurt also anyway, it will not hurt you at all.

How to get rid of a headache with crystals!

How to get rid of a headache with crystals!

Do you have a headache but hate putting all that harmful medicine into your body. Taking 2 Aspirin a week (tylenol, advil, bayers, etc.) has now been found to actually raise your risk of heart attack. So use this ancient method, that takes the headache away, and feels pretty good too.

Things You'll Need:

Rose Quartz (you probably want a tumbled one)

Your Hands

(peppermint oil if you want)


Grab the rose quartz, and rub peppermint oil on it to make it glide easier (if wanted)


Lay back, and rub the rose quartz on your forehead. From Temple to Temple, just sit back and feel the relieving power of the crystal, and feel it suck out the negative energy and tenseness.


Get back to everyday life now headache free.

Blessed Be.

Tips & Warnings

Peppermint Essential Oil will also help you get rid of the headache.

(If you use peppermint essential oil, avoid getting it in the eyes, and do not ingest.

How to Get Rid of a Headache with an Orange

How to Get Rid of a Headache with an Orange

An orange is unique not just because nothing rhymes with it. This succulent fruit can also do amazing things, like relieve pain. You can get rid of a headache with an orange; just follow these steps.

Things You'll Need:



Retreat to a quiet area where you can be alone with your piece of fruit.


Sit comfortably, cupping the orange in your hands like some offering to a glorious god.


Begin to gaze at the orange, making that your sole purpose and concentration in life. Smell it. Caress it. Feel its weight.


Continue to eye the orange, noting the texture of its skin, every nook and cranny, every bump and crater, every smooth turn of its gorgeous shape. Rotate the orange as necessary to get a better view.


Keep staring intently at the perky fruit for at least five minutes or until your headache goes away.


Peel, devour and enjoy!

Tips & Warnings

Stock up on oranges when they are on sale.

Try to do this in a private place so you don’t have people interrupting you and asking what the heck are you doing.

How to Get Rid of a Hangover

How to Get Rid of a Hangover

Hangovers are just a part of life and if you ever had one you know how bad they feel. There are many remedies and suggestions on how to get rid of them but not all of them work. If you had one too many drinks the night before, follow some of these tips to get rid of that nasty hangover.


Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Dehydration causes headaches and alcohol dehydrates your body so make sure you drink plenty of water after you wake up.


Take two Alka-Seltzers first thing in the morning to combat headaches and a sour stomach.


Fatty foods are sometimes recommended for a hangover but they help prevent them and not cure them.


Some people believe that having more alcohol in the morning helps get rid of a hangover. In reality, it just keeps your alcohol level up and only postpones it.


Take a nice long shower...if anything, it will invigorate you.


Orange juice works well. The sugar and vitamin C helps you feel better and it is good for you.

Tips & Warnings

If you know you are going to drink enough to get a hangover, eat something fatty before hand.

How to Get Rid of a Fungal Infection

How to Get Rid of a Fungal Infection

If you've ever fallen victim to a fungal infection, you know not only how stubborn it can be, but also how hard it is to rid yourself of one. Fungal infections are not hard to get. By walking barefoot on a public floor or outdoor pool areas, or by simply indulging in a pedicure where many feet have traveled before, you can bring on a bout of fungus. Next time it hits, fight the infection in a natural way with a surprisingly simple cure: tea tree oil. Read on to learn more.

Things You'll Need:

Best-quality tea tree oil you can buy from your health food store

Cotton swabs

How to Get Rid of a Fungal Infection


If your fungal infection is on your feet or hands, carefully clean and dry the infected area.


Apply tea-tree oil directly to the area and cover with a bandage. Tea tree oil is an antiseptic and antifungal that you use topically to treat an infection. There are no side effects; and it is highly effective.


Continue to apply directly to the affected area until the infection disappears. VoilГ ! You have just been cured by a natural remedy derived from a tree. All this for a fraction of the price of an over-the-counter product; plus, it's even more effective.

Tips & Warnings

Buy the highest quality tea-tree oil you can find. It will be more effective.

Never ingest tea tree oil. It is for topical use only.